An initiative to spark innovation in mineral resource extraction

GOE 2 Proposals

Possible projects

There are no limits on the ideas that will be considered with the exception that they must be novel ideas that contribute to a change in the current mining paradigm. A broad range of proposed project topics is welcome, from the technical, economic, through to social and governance issues.

For example, do any of these Grand Challenges inspire you:

  • Mining and processing using 75% less energy
  • Continuous mining and processing in unstructured environments
  • Creation of a synthetic biological environment in which metals or minerals accumulate
  • Development of sustainable shared value opportunities in mining communities
  • Obtain pure metals from metal scrap

Principal investigators are welcome to propose research on any variant of these challenges or to propose research on their own challenges.

Use of funds

The funds will be used to provide seed funding for a small number of new research projects at UBC. There is no minimum to any award and the suggested maximum is $75,000. It is anticipated research will be completed and reported on promptly.

Competition format

The competition will be run as follows:

  • Ask interested Principal Investigators to complete a maximum three page application
  • A panel of judges from academia and industry will review the applications.
  • The panel creates a shortlist and meets the applicants who give a 20-minute presentation on their application.
  • Final selection made.

Applications will be accepted at any time. The panel will assess an application as soon as possible after it is received.

Selection criteria

A strong project should represent a novel assault on recognized industry problem(s) and an appreciation that the project must not be orphaned at the end of the seed finance stage.

      Clear statement of the industry problem(s) that is being addressed
      Clear vision of why the research project represents a novel way of addressing the challenge
      A plan for how to take the research project through a series of gates: seed funding, NSERC funding, collaborative NSERC-industry funding, industry adoption
      A budget, a statement of any interim reports, a final report, and the time line

Submit your proposal to Scott Dunbar at wsd@mining.ubc.ca